Simple Linear Function Model - not progressing with time

Hi y’all, I’m pretty new to Alloy 6 and also formal modeling in general. I’m working on a very simple model, basically a linear function that every time step progresses along a slope (simplified in this model) towards a max point. It starts a certain point on the line (position), then takes a step forward each time step until it reaches a the end the (width).

After a bit of toil, I was able to get a basic version of the model working, but it never progresses more than 3 steps, ending up forever looping back to the stutter state.

Here’s the model inline:

abstract sig Bool {}

one sig True, False extends Bool {}

pred isTrue[b: Bool] { b in True }

pred isFalse[b: Bool] { b in False }

// LinearFeeFunction is the abstract model of our fee function. We use lone here
// to indicate that only one of them exists in our model. Our model will use
// time to drive this single instance.
one sig LinearFeeFunction {
  // startFeeRate is the starting fee rate of our model.
  var startingFeeRate: Int, 
  // endingFeeRate is the max fee rate we'll be ending out once the deadline
  // has been reached.
  var endingFeeRate: Int,

  // currentFeeRate is the current fee rate we're using to bump the
  // transaction.
  var currentFeeRate: Int,

  // width is the number of blocks between the starting block height and the
  // deadline height.
  var width: Int,

  // position is the number of between the current height and the starting
  // height. This is our progress as time passes, we'll increment by a single
  // block.
  var position: Int, 

  // deltaFeeRate is the fee rate time step in msat/kw that we'll take each
  // time we update our progress (scaled by position). In this simplified model, this will always be 1.
  var deltaFeeRate: Int,
  var started: Bool,
} {
  position >= 0
  position <= width

  isFalse[started] => position = 0

  startingFeeRate > 0 
  currentFeeRate > 0 
  endingFeeRate > 0 

  width > 4

  // We'll simplify our model by ensuring that the fee delta is just always one. Alloy doesn't do well with 
  // arithmetic, so we'll just always step forward by one. 
  deltaFeeRate = 1

  endingFeeRate >= startingFeeRate

  startingFeeRate <= currentFeeRate

// init is a predicate to initialize the params of the fee function.
pred init[f: LinearFeeFunction, maxFeeRate, startFeeRate: Int, confTarget: Int] {
  // We only want to initiate once, so we'll have a guard that only proceeds 
  // if the values are not set. 

  // The starting rate and the ending rate shouldn't be equal to each other. 
  maxFeeRate != startFeeRate
  maxFeeRate > startFeeRate

  startFeeRate < 3

  // If the conf target is zero, then we'll just jump straight to max params.
  confTarget = 0 implies {
    f.startingFeeRate' = maxFeeRate
    f.endingFeeRate' = maxFeeRate
    f.currentFeeRate' = maxFeeRate
    f.position' = 0
    f.width' = confTarget
    f.deltaFeeRate' = 1
    f.started' = True
  } else {
    // Otherwise, we'll be starting from a position that we can use to drive
    // forward the system. 
    confTarget != 0 

    f.startingFeeRate' = startFeeRate
    f.currentFeeRate' = startFeeRate
    f.endingFeeRate' = maxFeeRate
    f.width' = confTarget
    f.position' = 0

    // Our delta fee rate is just always 1, we'll take a single step towards the final solution at a time. 
    f.deltaFeeRate' = 1
    f.started' = True

// increment is a predicate that implements our fee bumping routine.
pred increment[f: LinearFeeFunction] {
  // Update our fee rate to take into account our new position.  Increase our
  // position by one, as a single block has past.
  increaseFeeRate[f, f.position.add[1]]

// increaseFeeRate takes a new position, and our fee function, then updates
// based on this relationship:
//  feeRate = startingFeeRate + position * delta.
//	- width: deadlineBlockHeight - startingBlockHeight
//	- delta: (endingFeeRate - startingFeeRate) / width
//	 - position: currentBlockHeight - startingBlockHeight
pred increaseFeeRate[f : LinearFeeFunction, newPosition: Int] {
  // Update the position of the model in the next timestep.
  f.position' = newPosition

  // Ensure that our position hasn't passed our width yet. This is an error
  // scenario in the original Go code.
  f.position' <= f.width

  // Our new position is the distance between the 
  f.currentFeeRate' = feeRateAtPosition[f, newPosition]
  f.startingFeeRate' = f.startingFeeRate
  f.endingFeeRate' = f.endingFeeRate
  f.started' = f.started
  f.width' = f.width
  f.deltaFeeRate' = f.deltaFeeRate

// feeRateAtPosition computes the new fee rate based on an updated position.
fun feeRateAtPosition[f: LinearFeeFunction, p: Int]: Int {
  // If the position is equal to the width, then we'll go straight to the max
  // fee rate.
  p >= f.width implies f.endingFeeRate
    // Otherwise, we'll do the fee rate bump.
    let deltaRate = f.deltaFeeRate,
        newFeeRate = f.currentFeeRate.add[deltaRate] |

        // If the new fee rate would exceed the ending rate, then we clamp it
        // to our max fee rate.  Otherwise we return our normal fee rate.
        newFeeRate > f.endingFeeRate => f.endingFeeRate else newFeeRate

pred stutter[f: LinearFeeFunction] {
  // No change in any of our variables.
  f.startingFeeRate' = f.startingFeeRate
  f.endingFeeRate' = f.endingFeeRate
  f.currentFeeRate' = f.currentFeeRate
  f.position' = f.position 
  f.width' = f.width
  f.deltaFeeRate' = f.deltaFeeRate
  f.started' = f.started

pred max_fee_rate_before_deadline[f: LinearFeeFunction] {
  f.position = f.width.sub[1] => f.currentFeeRate = f.endingFeeRate

pred fee_bump_step[f: LinearFeeFunction] {


enum Event { Stutter, Init, FeeBump }

fun stutter : set Event -> LinearFeeFunction {
  { e: Stutter, f: LinearFeeFunction | stutter[f] }

fun init : Event -> LinearFeeFunction -> Int -> Int -> Int {
  { e: Init, f: LinearFeeFunction, m: Int, s: Int, c: Int | init[f, m, s, c] }

fun fee_bump : Event -> LinearFeeFunction {
  { e: FeeBump, f: LinearFeeFunction | fee_bump_step[f] }

fun events : set Event {
  stutter.LinearFeeFunction + init.Int.Int.Int.LinearFeeFunction + fee_bump.LinearFeeFunction

fact traces {
  always some events

run {
   all f: LinearFeeFunction | f.started = False
   eventually (some init and after some fee_bump and after some fee_bump)

Here’s a sample run in the analyzer. I’m able to get the initial init event off, it does the fee_bump event, but then just continues to loop back to the stutter step.

So my question is: with the simplified model where currentFeeRate only increments by one each time, and there are no further guards for the init event, why does it loop back to the stutter event each time?

There are only 16 integers by default, -8…+7.

To increase the number of integers (and the time to find a solution of your model), you can extend the run scope.

run {
   all f: LinearFeeFunction | f.started = False
   eventually (some init and after some fee_bump and after some fee_bump)
} for 6 but 8 int

8 is the bitwidth used for integers, 8 int gives 2^8=256 integers, from -128…127. The model is encoded in a boolean expression for a SAT solvers. This requires all integers to be encoded as boolean expressions, greatly increasing the complexity of finding the solution.

Hi @peter.kriens, thanks for replying!

My initial model had a bit more arithmetic, but eventually I found the documentation pertaining to constraints of integer size. After I internalized this, I simplified the model to just increment by one each time. Based on my current understanding, I don’t think the current model is limited by integer bitwidth.

Here’s a simple model that still captures the essence of what I’m trying to model. We have a simple counter with a starting value of zero. Each time step we can increment the counter by one until it equals four.

abstract sig Bool {}

one sig True, False extends Bool {}

pred isTrue[b: Bool] { b in True }

pred isFalse[b: Bool] { b in False }

one sig Counter {
   var count: Int,

   var started: Bool,

pred init[c: Counter] {
  c.count' = 0
  c.started' = True

pred increment[c: Counter] {
  c.count < 5
  c.count' = c.count.add[1]

  c.started' = c.started

pred stutter[c: Counter] {
   c.count' = c.count
   c.started' = c.started

enum Event { Stutter, Init, Increment }

fun stutter : set Event -> Counter {
  { e: Stutter, c: Counter | stutter[c] }

fun init : Event -> Counter {
  { e: Init, c: Counter | init[c] }

fun increment : Event -> Counter {
  { e: Increment, c: Counter | increment[c] }

fun events : set Event {
  stutter.Counter + init.Counter + increment.Counter

fact traces {
  always some events

run {
   all c: Counter | c.started = False
   eventually (some init and after some increment and after some increment)
} for 6 but 8 int

Similar to my original model, a solution is never found that involved more than one increment step (the counter never exceeds zero):

What I don’t understand is what prevents the model from advancing in the state space, beyond a single increment event. The analyzer never finds an instance with more than 3 steps (init, increment, stutter).

Hehe, I may have just answered my own question!

With the simplified model, I can for the state space to advance further by clicking “new fork” in the analyzer. After advancing a few times, I arrive at my desired state of the max counter value (4):

However this doesn’t work with the original LinearFeeFunction model for some reason. I get that there are no more satisfying instances.


Btw, this formula is not constraining the trace to have two increment steps because after has higher priority than and.

Either you add some parenthesis

eventually (some init and after (some increment and after some increment))

or use the semi-colon operator that is is equivalent to and after but is right associative.

eventually (some init; some increment; some increment)


Hi again,

I tried your original model and it works for me - I can fork in the last transition and get another fee_bump instead of stutter.
