How to find first relation *not* of a type

Say I have

abstract sig Node {
  , next: lone Node

fact list {
  some root: Node |
    root.*next = Node

sig Red, Blue extends Node {}

For each red node, I want to find the next red node. So if the model is red1 -> blue1 -> blue2 -> red2 -> red3, the relationship next_red_node should be red1 -> red2 + red2 -> red3. Ideally I want this to also be fast, since my production model already takes almost a minute to write the CFG.

I’m open to adding an extra field if that’s the fastest way.


Your lists currently allow circularity. If that was not the case (that is, if fact list included constraint no x : Node | x in x.^next) I think you could derive next_red_node as follows:

fun next_red_node : Node -> Node {
	{ x,y : Red | y in x.^next and no Red & x.^next & ^next.y}


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With circularity this one seems to work:

fun next_red_node : Node -> Node {
	{ x, y : Red | x->y in next or x->y in ^(next :> Blue + Blue <: next) }

Either the next red node is directly connect or can be reached via a blue path.


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Yeah, I meant it to be noncircular. The first works magnificently, thank you!

Another idea: go from red to red, with zero or more steps to a blue and then one step:

fun next_red_node : Node -> Node {
	Red -> Red & *(next :> Blue).next

This ended up being a LOT faster!